Thursday, May 31, 2012

US Drones: Current Outrage /Stats/ Analysis

How startling to realize that these concerns are just now beginning to emerge as a nation-wide discussion!

First for background go to this Pakistani writer on March 28 2012 DemocracyNow! dot org
Pakistani journalist Ahmed Rashid, whose new book details clandestine talks between the U.S. and the Taliban, the Obama administration’s expanded use of drones and the accompanying rise in civilian deaths, and how more "physical harm is now coming to journalists" who are detained by Pakistan’s intelligence agency. Rashid’s latest book is titled Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of America, Pakistan, and Afghanistan.

The Bureau Investigates dot com GO here (  This site has plenty of both stats and analysis & have done an amazing job of keeping track of the history which goes quite a ways back. ) See Currant journalism by Glenn Greenwald and others. GO here  -- Be sure to keep checking back for more analysis by Glenn Greenwald on -- along with a skim of his readers' comments.  (His analysis goes back quite a few posts and updates.)

Just yesterday, a suggested US Citizens Petition gets plenty of comments on Huff Post  -- HOWEVER, we must be as concerned about our fellow earth citizens NOW who are facing the hellish effects of these drones.

Obama Oversees "Kill List" of Targets in Secret Drone War -- find this report at Democracy Now!

We can make a petitionary lawsuit as powerful in concern and outrage as Noam Chomsky & Chris Hedges group did on the NDAA (They partially won and so can we on ending the "legality" of the Drone Warfare.)

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