Saturday, July 10, 2010

FIRST US Town Council Resolution to end War Funding

See WarIsACrime dot org or search afterdowningstreet dot org or David Swanson

Here is the model used by Deer Maine (You can use it too and remember that public education is more important even than passing the resolution because otherwise, who really changes because of a piece of paper? Connie)

Please use the draft Town Meeting warrant (or resolution) to take to your local community so this discussion about war spending can spread deeply throughout the state. You will need to check with your town clerk as soon as possible to find out the process by which a warrant or resolution can be considered at your Town Meeting or Town Council. Please be sure to let us know what you plan to do. Good luck.

Town of (or City) _____________, Maine

Town Council Resolution

A Resolution of the Town of _____________, Maine to end the expenditure of our citizens' tax dollars for excessive and unaffordable warfare funding by the U.S. Congress.


1. the financial resources available for use by governments at the local, county, state and federal levels in the United States are and must be limited, and
2. an inordinate level of military expenditure is being made by the U.S. federal government for warfare in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and
3. the people of _____________, Maine are collectively paying or becoming indebted for approximately X million dollars per year of their limited financial resources for such warfare which supplies no identified public benefits, and
4. this warfare creates great and unnecessary harm to the people of the nations of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and to U.S. military personnel and their families, and
5. education services, infrastructure repairs, other essential public services, and family and private-sector financing in _____________ and throughout the State of Maine have been substantially reduced in order for an excessive portion of available financial resources to be diverted from the constructive economy to unnecessary warfare,

Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Town (or City) of _____________, Maine commands Maine's member of the U.S. House of Representatives from the (first or second) Maine Congressional District to oppose all legislation brought before the U.S. House of Representatives that provides further funding of the U.S. warfare and U.S. military occupation in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Town (or City) of _____________, Maine also demands that this member of Congress take strong and forceful action to influence the full U.S. House of Representatives to terminate funding of these military operations.

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