Friday, October 8, 2010

Indication White House is "Misrepresenting"

And if "Misrepresenting" with Oil Spill, how about with war, interrogations, renditions, secret cells, etc.?

Start with this item from Ari Shapiro on recent story here

Then go to this commentary by a biblical scholar...

(This) is just simply must reading. Ari shows exactly how little the misleading methodology of the White House has changed from Bush to Obama. Change, Mr. Obama? Hardly.

The essay begins

A preliminary report released Wednesday by the federal commission investigating the BP oil spill blames the Obama administration for misrepresenting “the amount and fate of the oil” in the Gulf of Mexico. “By initially underestimating the amount of oil flow and then, at the end of the summer, appearing to underestimate the amount of oil remaining in the Gulf,” the report says, “the federal government created the impression that it was either not fully competent to handle the spill or not fully candid with the American people about the scope of the problem.”

Incompetence doesn’t even get to the heart of the matter... Listen to this-

This report by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling reveals for the first time where that 5,000 barrel-a-day figure came from. A government scientist devised that figure, and it became the administration’s operating estimate for a month — even though, according to the report, “there is no indication that the scientist had expertise in estimating deep-sea flow velocity from video data or that he used an established or peer-reviewed methodology.” In other words, the White House got a dilettante to do the estimate. It might as well have asked me or you to do it. We could have done just as bad a job.

Read Ari’s entire report. But take your blood pressure medicine before. The one thing you’ll take away from it: the government can’t help lying to the American people. And when they get caught at it, act like the press is at fault.

Related Articles
White House ‘Blocked Gulf Oil Spill Studies’ (
Gulf oil spill: White House blocked and spun scientists’ warnings (

Ari Shapiros Report on the White House's "Misrepresentation" of the Gulf Oil Spill
CLICK here

nomorecrusades - Blogger's note: Frankly, I've been worried that Shapiro's reporting is becoming overly biased TOWARDS the current Administration's and Justice's spin on things and ignoring his earlier topics and the way he cut through so much rhetoric. However, it's possible that he's doing his typical straight-faced reporting and giving a lot more credit these days to the listener to "pick up" on what's behind the scene?

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