Op Ed - Pakistan Tribune.com.pk
Raymond Davis: Who dare point a finger at an American here LET'S be more aware of what our US arrogance is accomplishing in Pakistan.
OP Ed - US Washingtonpost.com here NOTE from nomorecrusades blogger: I applaud use of a Muslim or cultural ritual IF the family of victims and the Pakistani people and leaders approve. Also beware of Duane Clarridge who may be the first to name this suggestion publicly in this same press - Wash Post. A little research and checking out the posts below will tell you why to watch out for him and his own mini-CIA. However, the US should neither let die the possibility of an exchange between Davis and Aafia. The families all agree - many leaders in Pakistan agree - many Pakistanis agree. Several key Americans who've followed and/or helped with Aafia's case agree. Problem is the US is absolutely unwilling and YET has offered no reason why that the public has heard.
Another item from Pakistan on US/Pakistan relationships - thenews.com.pk here
This one sounds even-handed in places, and I was a bit fooled by the Reuters source -- YET I'd be more than a bit worried about anything coming out of the Heritage Foundation (take a good look to see how narrow and lacking in inclusivity that group often is at base) Perfect time to ramp up civil society dialogue by Lisa Curtis who is Senior Research Fellow for South Asia at the Asian Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation. Good title...however after reading the article here be sure to do a little research on the US Heritage Foundation to see who's behind this think tank. Many of us come from places from where we can become a bit or a lot more inclusive and I suppose many helpful leaders come from such places...however, do your homework on possible motives here or you may unwittingly join forces with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity who are beyond laughable if not scary to most American scholars, progressive and simply those who think for themselves...Just check this out here
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